Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I think my husband is cheating on me!!!!!?

I took the kidlets out to lunch today at Fazolis. It's been a few months since we've been there. Once we sat down, Ethan(almost 4) said " I been here a long time ago with my daddy". I said ok...it is close to Home Depot where they go often, so I didn't think to much about it. Then he said "I came here with my daddy when he ate with his girlfriend, her name is Johnson".

So, should I call him at work and confront him in front of all his coworkers or should I wait until he gets home and hit him with a frying pan? I mean, why would my almost 4 year old make up a story like that?

Just kidding about thinking he cheated on me! But, this was an actual conversation today. I am curious as to how many other kids make up stories and/or confuse things in their heads like this? I thought it was very cute.I think my husband is cheating on me!!!!!?
Big Johnson is a company who puts jokes on t-shirts. Go to this site and check them out. His girlfriend just might be named Johnson....

http://www.bigjohnson.com/home.htmlI think my husband is cheating on me!!!!!?
The best thing to do is question your child more about it. Ask what Johnson looked like. And what she talked about. As many questions as you can think of. Sometimes kids are confused. Like, maybe his dad took him there and ran into a friend named Mr. Johnson or Mrs Johnson, maybe they just said a quick hello and went about their own business. Children of 4 do not now what a girlfriend/ boyfriend is. lol. Im sure it was nothing.
I had to LOL @ Emma and Laura's Mom's answer! Bahahaha

He may have made it up and he may have went out to eat with Daddy one day and a friend named Johnson? lol Who knows. That's one for the hubby to answer, though, huh?

Jaden didn't make up wild stories about real people, just cartoon characters.I think my husband is cheating on me!!!!!?
A guy would have to be super stupid to take his 4 year old out on a date with his mistress. LOL My girl's babysitter has a 3 year old and she comes up with some crazy stuff...for the longest time I couldn't convince her that my husband wasn't my dad. I think at that age they get all sorts of relationships confused. =)
When my son was little, 4, he used to tell his preschool teacher all about his brothers and the fun times they had. Imagine my surprise when she asked me how old my other 2 children were, he's the only child I have! As for the brothers, they were characters from the Digimon cartoons.I think my husband is cheating on me!!!!!?
Yeah that's real cute. That reminds me about when my toddler daughter told me she saw the plumber fixing the holes in our mattress with mommy.

What? Are you snowed in and bored. I'm looking to seriously help people here with their problems so I can gain points and get more gifts...wwhhheeeee
hmm. well i have 3 siblings (i've been taking care of them all from the day the first sib was born.) and none of them have ever made a story like that %26gt;_%26gt;

my little bro (first one to be born after me) only started saying stuff like that to get me into trouble...thing is he's like 12 now xD
Maybe he isn't attracted to pregnant women.

6 TD? I was just kidding

Anyways when he gets home I'd act totally ticked off. WHO is Johnson, Ethan told me what you've been doing. Then when the fight is over request a foot rub.
He makes up stories but I can't pick one. But he said the funniest thing the other day. I got on the scale to see how much I weight (Trying to loose the baby weight!) and after I get off he asks me "Mom how much do I cost?" I couldn't stop laughing!
My 3 year old has a boyfriend named Nate that lives in a neighboring village on the left side of the woods. She talks about him all the time now. He doesn't exist.
My 3 year old always makes up the most off-the-wall stories I have ever heard. For example-

"One time, when I was bigger, I had a mean friend who smacked my butt for eating cereal."
When a man will cheat, a woman knows it in her heart, and if she has a friend that she trusts, that friend will know too. It may be the way he looks away from his wife when they are out in public, or the way that he is overly concerned with his physical appearance or grooming, but doesn't let his wife get close to appreciate it. It is a subtle turning, but it is VERY REAL. Your words make you sound like you are actually insecure, but that you are trying to cover this up and recover your dignity. If you suspect anything about your husband, you know better than anyone what you have heard or seen or smelled that makes you worry. But you will have to walk into the pain and confront it, because you can't live a lie just to keep the peace. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to ask the tough questions, but make sure you are alone and the kids are being cared for because if it is going to come out, either of you could fall apart in a minute.
That is really weird, though.... I would casually mention that to your husband that your son said that today and see what his reaction is. LOL... I don't know, he probably is not cheating on you. Kids come up with the craziest stuff sometimes... I have a friend who just left her husband, and her kids go to their dad's every weekend, and one of them came back and said "The reason you don't go to dad's is because it's BOYS ONLY... Daddy does NOT like girls!" But I would definitely do a small ammount of investigating if my child said that to me.
you know how ridiculous you sound? i hope he is cheating on you..then it will be very cute. just because youve been together since age 16 you dont think thats a reason to cheat? well i can assure you that will be a reason for many husbands who might get tired of seeing that face and kissing those same old lips and sleeping with that same old body and youre not gettting any younger or prettier and youre pregnant so your body is not in the best shape.. i feel sorry you. idiot.

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