Monday, January 30, 2012

What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana?

I'm in 8th grade and I'm writing a speech on how the decriminalization of marijuana would be a good idea and how marijuana is not dangerous. Can anyone give me some good sources of information on these subjects?What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana? will be your best bet. But to list some of the reasons why it would be a good idea,

20 million arrests so far, each costing the tax payer on average 2,000$ is costing the government billions of dollars. Over 90% of these arrests are simple possession alone.

The money used to fund marijuana prohibition could be used to better schools or other public services.

It would end the black market trade over marijuana, putting thousands of dealers out of business.

Would decrease the number of gangs and drug cartels operating in the u.s.

If it were legalized it could be regulated, prevented it being laced with harmful chemicals or other drugs and bring in millions in revenue if it were taxed like tobacco

Hemp can be used to make alternative fuels, biodegradable plastic, paper, rope, and much much more, this alone would be a tremendous boost to our economy

It would disassociate marijuana users from hard drug users if it were legalized. When the Netherlands legalized marijuana they observed a DECLINE in hard drug use such as cocaine and heroin. A commission was put together to study this and concluded that since marijuana was no longer illegal users did not have to go the same dealers that dealt with hard drugs or be forced to be associated with them.

It would end the overcrowding of our jails, the u.s. has the highest incarceration rate of any modernized country.

It would end the thousands of students that are forced to drop out of college each year due to a loss of finaicial aid over a marijuana conviction.

It would end the home foreclosures, job losses, and the loss of housing opportunities to millions of Americans who have never committed a violent crime.

Decriminalization does NOT increase the use of marijuana, 13 states have decriminalized marijuana in the U.S. without a single one reporting an increase in use.

Cigerette smoking rates, something FAR more addictive than marijuana, has been cut in half in the last 20 years, and we didnt have to arrest 20 million people to do in, while marijuana use has not been curbed at all by the failed war on drugs.

Tobacco and Alcohol, substances far more addictive and harmful than marijuana, not to mention substances with ZERO medical applications are legal and regulated, while marijuana which is impossible to overdose on and much less addictive than cigerettes and alcohol remains illegal

The government tried prohibition before with alcohol, but this was repealed soon after due to the increase in organized crime, overcrowding of jails, and the general public witnessing the "before" and "after" of prohibition. The same situation exists now, except marijuana was made illegal before it was in wide spread usage, preventing a "before" picture being made my the general public.

It would allow police officers to allocate more time to searching for and prosecuting violent criminals.

When the punishment for drug use is more detrimental to an individual than the negatives effects of the drug itself it harms society as a whole.

The point of prohibiting a drug is to prevent people from harming themselves, however if by trying to change a user you harm them more than the drug would have what has been accomplished? No where is this principal more apparent than in marijuana prohibition, where millions are incarcerated and lose their jobs, often their families and houses and are exposed to to real criminals and violent offenders while in jail.

What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana?
Google " NORMAL"What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana?S%26amp;S, i think means NORML. With no A.

Its the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

They may be a bit biased of course.What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana?
uh it's not a good idea because the pot harms people and not just the idiot who smoking it (which i don't care about him) but other people. like alcohol, it impairs your ability to function and thus increases the likelihood that you will kill someone while driving stoned. i wouldnt want innocent people to be harmed due to your stupidity.What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana? There you go, take the advice from "Tijise". Do a nationwide search on DWI accidents. Find out just how many vehicle accidents/fatalities involved a "stoned" driver. You will find not many (if any) incidents involving drivers impaired by just marijuana. And how about the medical benefits? What happened to equal rights for all plants? What are some good sources of information about the legalization of marijuana?
Ralph Nader is a relativley well known politicain(he ran for president the last couple times under different indpendent parties). He is for the legalization of marijuana google some stuff on him to give you some points from a political personality.鈥?/a>

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